
With our long accumulated experiences and know-how in Cement Industry for over 60 years, Siam Refractory has attained a leading position to the point where it fully understands and realizes all aspects of customers’ needs.

Hence, we not only offer full range of the highest quality of products, but also the complete world-class standard of refractory solutions in all heat-processing areas of Cement Plant.


At Siam Refractory, our technical service team travel the world over to work closely with valued customers offering them our accumulated skill and expertise for refractory installation in the cement industry.

The philosophy of working together as partners has led Siam Refractory to fully understand and realize the latent needs of each individual customer thereby delighting all of them.

Siam Refractory always give our hand to support and thrive together with you.

Product Highlights

  • Pre-Mortared Brick

    With the old way of applying mortar manually to every brick to improve lining flexibility, preparation and application on brick surface are steps that cause difficulty brick laying work, as well as slow it down.   

    The Pre-Mortared Brick System has proven an innovative solution which combines advantages of clenched lining and mortared lining.
    Pre-Mortared Brick has pre-applied and pre-dried mortar on one side of the brick using sophisticated machinery to ensure uniform mortar thickness and sufficient mortar attachment to each brick without peeling off during brick transport and installation. Pre-Mortared Brick can be installed quickly, provides friendly work conditions (just like clenched lining), and also provides lining flexibility and lining bonding properties as conventional mortared lining. In addition, Pre-Mortared Brick can be used for the whole lining to improve the service life of the lining as an application of mortared lining with the installation time of the clenched lining.

    Patented Pre-mortared Brick® of Siam Refractory

  • Anti-Hydration Brick

    Hydration Reaction is an inevitable problem for Magnesia containing bricks (MgO-based bricks) which generally tend to have high reactivity to moisture and water; resulting in volume change and eventually leading to cracks on brick, as well as loss of structural strength.

    Inspired by innovation drives and the concept of Lotus Effect, in the year 2013 Siam Refractory eventually launched the world's first
    ''Anti-Hydration Bricks (AH-Bricks)'' for MgO-based bricks.
    Anti-Hydration Brick has proven to reduce (or even eliminate) the risks of brick hydration, expired bricks, premature kiln brick failure, unexpected repairs and production losses. AH-Brick has an extended brick shelf life from 6 months to minimum 24 months with no change in brick quality, properties, and performance. Repeated orders and customer satisfaction reflect the quality and benefits that AH-Brick can bring to kiln linings and cement plants worldwide.

    Preventing Brick Hydration
    (World Cement Magazine, November 2014)


    The Lotus Effect
    (International Cement Review Magazine,
    September 2015)
